The Write a Book to Change the World Self-Study eCourse

The Write a Book to Change the World eCourse is packed with valuable resources and invites you to work through each step of a proven process to bring your book to life. There’s room for reflection and journalling but the focus is on getting you in action so you can stay on track and complete your book. One step at a time. And this course will help you see your book project as an exciting addition to an already successful life.

Have you been talking about writing a book for long enough now? Then together let’s get you in action!

“Are you ready to get started on the transformational project of writing a book?
And, at the same time, is the idea a little overwhelming?

We all know that writing a book is a terrific way to share your message, gain credibility, and set you on the path to generating more revenue. And it’s a dream project for an estimated 80% of the population. But many people have a tough time getting started and it can be tough to see the project through to completion.

This course will guide you through the process of writing a book through five straightforward lessons that simplify book writing and help guide you towards creating a book that will make you proud.

Created by professional editor and traditionally-published Amazon best-selling writing expert Susan Crossman, this book takes the lessons she’s learned through decades of high level writing and editing experience and strips them down to the basics so you can bring your dream of writing a book to life.

The “How to Write a Book” eCourse

Includes video, audio and text lessons on:

  • Lesson 1: Planning Your Book

  • Lesson 2: Preparing Your Outline

  • Lesson 3: Organizing Your Information

  • Lesson 4: Drafting Your Content

  • Lesson 5: Revising Your Content

Course curriculum

    1. Know Why You're Writing Your Book

    2. What Makes You Write a Book?!

    3. Student Walkthrough Video

    1. Lesson One: Why Are You Writing This Book? (Video)

    2. Lesson Two: Why Are You the Ideal Author for this Book? (Written Expansion)

    3. Lesson Three: What is the journey you want to take your readers on? (Audio)

    4. Lesson Four: Journal Questions

    5. Inspirational Quote

    6. Lesson Five: FAQs

    7. Lesson Six: Resources

    1. Lesson One: Decide What Information Should Be in Your Book

    2. Lesson Two: What Will this Book Do for Your Life? (Written Expansion)

    3. Lesson Three: The Importance of Stories (Audio)

    4. Lesson Four: Journal Questions

    5. Inspirational Quote

    6. Lesson Five: FAQs

    7. Lesson Six: Resources

    1. Lesson One: Why It’s Important to Organize Your Information

    2. Lesson Three: Crafting an Introduction and a Conclusion: How Do You Do That? (Audio)

    3. Lesson Four: Journal Questions

    4. Inspirational Quote

    5. Lesson Five: FAQs

    6. Lesson Six: Resources

    1. Lesson One: Writing Basics: What is Good Writing?

    2. Lesson Three: Writing for Audience Engagement (Audio)

    3. Lesson Four: Journal Questions

    4. Inspirational Quote

    5. Lesson Five: FAQs

    6. Lesson Six: Resources

    1. Lesson One: How to Edit Your Minibook

    2. Lesson Three: Journal Questions

    3. Inspirational Quote

    4. Lesson Four: The Transformational Aspect of Becoming a Published Author (Audio)

    5. Lesson Five: FAQs

    6. Lesson Six: Resources

About this course

  • $497.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content


Susan Crossman

BA (Hons.), MA. Senior Instructor and Coach

Is this a good time to start working on your book? I work with mission-oriented coaches, consultants, thought leaders, and innovators to write high-quality books that will help them share their message, enhance their credibility, and generate greater revenue through public speaking and other business initiatives. Contact me to find out how we can work together to get your message out into the world. Consciously.